Central notions for our work with Homeopaths without Borders  M Brands

                1.      GUESTS

We are guests where we work; that means we want to know

According to that we propose our choice of priorities and potential contirbution in the form of a well designed education programme.

                2.      PRECISION

Four features are basic in our method of education

we use central metaphors and visual images for a rapid understanding of a remedy

OCKHAM’S RAZOR: ‘entia non multiplicanda sunt’, that is use a minimum number of categories, or:                                     collect the symptoms in a minimal number of groups:

  1.  pathogenetic effect, 

  2.  characteristics and 

  3. sensitive type

we can understand the physiological function of the organs, and thus understand the action of the remedy

                                                        The four key components of the programmes are :

  1.   basic principles

  2.    materia medica

  3. differential diagnosis

  4. question strategy




   3.      ATTITUDE

We consider different forms of medicine as different ways of mankind to solve health problems, and in principle all have their value, which does not inhibit us to make pragmatic choices, in accordance with our Charter.

This attitude implies respect for all types of medicine, and thus we treat their practitioners with due respect. There is no such thing as intrinsic superiority of homeopathy; its quality must be proven, first by the behavior of its practitioners, and second by the health effects of homeopathic treatment (and in this order).

We therefore seek cooperation with other forms of treatment which respect the totality and the autonomy of each person. Our programmes are defined in precise negotiations with our counterparts which play an active role in the final outline and implementation of each project. Their needs are guidelines for the composition of each porject, which therefore can show important local variations. In this way it is just like in therapeutics, ‘individualisation of treatment’.

Another issue is the different ways on which homeopathy is practiced; we also consider these as having their own right of existence and we try as colleagues to learn from each other’s experience and qualities, thereby enriching our own respective methods.

Our main objective is to share our knowledge with qualified practitioners so they can assist their patients in their illness with a method that is safe, effective and respecting the individual’s autonomy.

And therefore we also make our programmes transparant and with the clear objective of reaching out to as many people as possible given the required standards of quality in teaching. These standards include the development of training of trainers programmes as integral part of our education programmes; this will make the participants to future teachers, which will contribute to their autonomy as health care professionals.  



Before we start to teach, every future trainer has to consider the own potential and inhibitions to become a good trainer. In individual consideration and by learning presentation and feedback techniques, teachers prepare for their task.

The concept of ‘mirror space’ is used to make teachers feel comfortable and receive feedback in a small group of colleagues; in this way they can improve their didactic capacities within this group of preparation.

By this preparation we can become aware of our specific styles and capacities and inhibitions to be a teacher. Only then we can function within a larger whole, and education project; each teacher should be involved in a project with other teachers so adequate feedback can be given.

Actions by an isolated individual are not recommended, because a project should depend on the insights of more than one teacher, so the continuity of a project is guaranteedby a shared responsibility.